Complaints at Fairfax at Belvoir Woods
Virginia is home to nursing homes of all shapes and sizes, but Sunrise Senior Living’s facility called The Fairfax at Belvoir Wood stands out among the crowd. The nursing home, which opened in 1989, utilizes a variety of healthcare professionals such as nurses and therapists to provide care to residents 24 hours a day alongside options for occupational and speech therapy. However, The Fairfax at Belvoir Wood has historically struggled to provide a standard of care that fulfills Medicare’s standards of an excellent facility.
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Recent Events at The Fairfax
The Fairfax location owned by Sunrise Continuing Care LLC is home to 56 certified beds and is operated on a for-profit basis. Complaints as recent as 2020 have generated additional facility inspections, and both health inspections and quality of resident care sit at only three of the five possible stars given by Medicare. The facility has been cited for deficiencies 21 times in recent years. More than 8% of residents at the facility had pressure sores, and as many as 40.4% of individuals living in the facility experienced a decline in their ability to move independently; this rate exceeds the national average of 25.4%.
Health Inspection Reports at This Facility
In health inspection reports, The Fairfax at Belvoir Wood has been cited for failing to maintain professional standards of quality. One resident who scored a 15 out of 15 for cognitive function—indicating that he or she was fully able to make day to day decisions regarding care—was documented as needing extensive assistance from two staff members. This also resulted in mismanagement of pain medication, with some doses given at 5mg and some at 50mg, even when the pain was reported by the resident as a zero out of ten in intensity.
Another resident did not receive a pain management plan as required. The staff failed to provide the medicine prescribed by the ER at the schedule frequencies. Additionally, medication stored at the facility was not kept in a proper manner; a cart of medication was left out of eyesight of staff members in a public area, where it could be accessed by anyone.
As far as food safety at The Fairfax is concerned, staff have been observed serving food with bare fingers, and the same staff member moved between multiple residents’ meals without sanitizing their hands before assisting each resident with eating. In the past, machinery such as food processors have been kept in unsanitary conditions, such as with pooling water in them while in storage.
In a previous inspection, the facility received a citation for failing to implement bed mats or pads surrounding a resident’s mattress. These tools are intended to cushion a fall from bed and protect residents from injury. In this same inspection, the facility’s medication error rates were documented at 8.82%, which is higher than the permissible industry average of 5%. This statistic arose not only from improperly administering medication to residents but also for failing to give residents their prescribed medicines in a timely manner or at all.
If you have a case against Sunrise Senior Living or any other nursing home or assisted living facility, contact Senior Justice Law Firm today. Call us toll free at 757-530-4255.