The Pines at Voorhes (Lakewood of Voorhees Operator LLC) Found Liable for Mismanagement of Resident’s Diabetes
Dorothy Moody was an elderly patient suffering from diabetes. Due to her underlying compromised health, she needed 24 hour care. She was admitted into The Vorhees Care and Rehabilitation Center, which is also called the Pines at Voorhees. Both fictitious names share a common owner, The Lakewood of Voorhees Operator, LLC, who was a named defendant in this diabetes neglect lawsuit.
Proper management of a patient’s diabetes is a critical legal duty imposed on the nursing home. If a nursing home fails to monitor a resident’s diabetic issues, negligently administers insulin, or ignores a resident in diabetic distress, the facility can be held liable in a nursing home diabetes death lawsuit.
Case Facts in Moody v. The Vorhees Care and Rehabilitation Center
While a resident at Vorhees Care and Rehab in Vorhees, NJ, Ms. Moody suffered a severe hyperglycemic event accompanied by ketoacidosis and hypersmolar non-ketosis. She also developed dehydration, malnutrition, bedsores, and general health decline during her residency at The Pines at Voorhes a/k/a The Vorhees Care and Rehabilitation Center.
After a prolonged hospitalization, Ms. Moody had her granddaughter hire a nursing home abuse attorney to pursue a claim against The Lakewood of Voorhees Operator, LLC.
In the underlying lawsuit against Vorhees Care and Rehab, Ms. Moody alleged that the staff at Vorhees Rehab failed to appropriately monitor her medical condition, permitted abuse of the plaintiff, condoned failure to report abuse to a supervisor and permitted inadequate and false charting of the plaintiffs medical records.
Further, Ms. Moody’s case was buttressed on the idea that the defendant failed to hire enough trained and competent staff, failed to adequately train and supervise staff, hired personnel that were not trained in geriatric care, and failed to properly investigate the backgrounds of prospective employees.
In response to these allegations, Vorhees Care and Rehabilitation and its ownership denied liability.
Jury Verdict in Favor of the Plaintiff Against Vorhees Care and Rehabilitation
Ultimately, the jury agreed with the Moody family and found the Vorhees Rehab nursing home negligent in its care and treatment of the Plaintiff.
The 2019 jury trial resulted in an award for the plaintiff $225,000 in pain and suffering for her facility-acquired injuries. This is one of the larger nursing home diabetes wrongful death verdicts recorded in New Jersey.
Attorney Disclaimer
*Each case is different. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome or indicate an expected outcome on your particular case. The above prior lawsuit information is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. The information is not provided in the course of an attorney-client relationship and is not intended to substitute for legal advice from an attorney. This individual case information above is publicly filed information gathered from the publicly filed complaint. This information and these cases are not the work of this law firm. The contents of this website should not be construed as legal advice on any specific fact or circumstance. Your receipt of such information does not create an attorney-client relationship with this law firm or any of its lawyers. You should not act or rely on any of the information contained herein without seeking professional legal advice. Speak with an attorney immediately if you believe you have a viable case against a nursing home, assisted living facility, hospital or medical facility.