Located at 830 29th Street in Orlando, Florida, Orlando Health and Rehabilitation Center is a large skilled nursing facility that cares for both short term and long term patients.
Orlando Health and Rehab has been the subject of prior nursing home negligence lawsuits. Most of these lawsuits against Orlando Health & Rehab involve violations of Ch. 400 resident’s rights, as well as wrongful death.
Who Owns Orlando Health and Rehabilitation Center?
Orlando Health & Rehab is listed as a ‘non-profit‘ facility, owned and operated by Orlando Rehabilitation Group, Inc.
Our Orlando nursing home abuse attorneys have successfully handled cases against the entities and parent companies that own Orlando Health and Rehabilitation Center. If you believe you have a potential case against this nursing home, call us today to learn more about your rights following an injury or wrongful death inside the facility.
Free Case Consultation: 407-698-3277
Prior Lawsuits Filed vs. Orlando Health and Rehabilitation Center
The following cases have been filed, suing Orlando Health and Rehabilitation Center for nursing home negligence.*
Estate of Elow vs. Orlando Health and Rehabilitation Center
Filed in 2020, this lawsuit alleges the development of gangrene and falls.
Estate of DeJesus vs. Orlando Health and Rehabilitation Center
This 2019 wrongful death lawsuit against Orlando Health & Rehab alleges that Ms. DeJesus suffered falls which resulted in severe abrasions to her face and upper extremities. Additionally, it was alleged that Orlando Health and Rehab staff failed to timely transport Ms. DeJesus to the hospital for her fall related injuries.
Estate of Harris vs. Orlando Health and Rehabilitation Center
Filed in 2019, this lawsuit against Orlando Health & Rehabilitation Center alleges the development of wounds, infection and wrongful death.
Estate of Reid vs. Orlando Health & Rehabilitation Center
This civil action brought against Orlando Health and Rehab alleges that Mr. Reid suffered extensive skin breakdown, massive infections, malnutrition, dehydration and fecal impaction as a result of the facility’s negligence.
Estate of Partin vs. Orlando Health and Rehabilitation Center
This lawsuit against Orlando Health and Rehabilitation Center was filed in 2018. The Complaint alleges that Mr. Partin was a fall risk while a resident at Orlando Health & Rehab. Despite this, it is alleged that Mr. Partin suffered numerous unwitnessed and preventable resident falls. He became septic and died on August 16, 2017.
Estate of Costa vs. Orlando Health & Rehab
It is alleged in this lawsuit that Ms. Costa had Alzheimer’s upon admission into Orlando Health and Rehabilitation Center. The estate contends that Ms. Costa suffered from a heel bed sore and infection, which ultimately required an above the knee leg amputation on August 19th.
Attorney Disclaimer
*Each case is different. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome or indicate an expected outcome on your particular case. The above prior lawsuit information is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. The information is not provided in the course of an attorney-client relationship and is not intended to substitute for legal advice from an attorney. This individual case information above is publicly filed information gathered from the publicly filed complaint. This information and these cases are not the work of this law firm. The contents of this website should not be construed as legal advice on any specific fact or circumstance. Your receipt of such information does not create an attorney-client relationship with this law firm or any of its lawyers. You should not act or rely on any of the information contained herein without seeking professional legal advice. Speak with an attorney immediately if you believe you have a viable case against a nursing home, assisted living facility or medical facility.
A recent 2019 state survey investigation resulted in the issuance of 10 citations against Orlando Health and Rehab for violations. Some of these violations included failing to assist vulnerable residents with eating, failing to adequately cut resident fingernails, and failing to appropriately care for and document treatment relating to a central venous catheter.
More Questions?
Our Florida nursing home abuse attorneys can help you on your journey to justice. Nursing home abuse cases are the focus of our practice.
Let our narrowly focused lawyers help you investigate a potential case against a negligent nursing home or assisted living facility.
Call us today for a completely free case consultation: 407-698-3277
Updated 1-20-21