Legal Problems at Fair Haven Center in Miami
The Fair Havens Center in Miami Springs is facing scrutiny after a series of fines. These penalties, levied for a variety of inadequate care citations, totaled $67,000. The Fair Havens Center shut its doors in May 2020 as a result of the coronavirus pandemic; despite this, 52 residents so far have passed away as a result of the virus, and Fair Havens’ quarantine practices have been called into question. This makes Fair Havens one of the deadliest long-term care facilities in the state of Florida in 2020. Previously, we’ve discussed lawsuits against Fair Havens for nursing home neglect.
Of the $67,000 fine, which came as a result of a settlement with state officials according to The Miami Herald, $45,000 was allocated for failure to follow the CDC’s guidance on stopping the spread of the novel coronavirus that first appeared in late 2019. Within the long-term care facility, 11 patients who had tested positive for the virus continued their activities as normal, and Fair Havens Center is being penalized for their failure to quarantine residents with a known positive COVID-19 test result or those who, through contact tracing, had been exposed to the virus.
COVID-19 Failures at Miami Nursing Homes are Inexcusable
Despite its failure to quarantine residents who had been exposed to or were exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, Fair Havens reopened in late 2020—a decision that has brought them under fire from numerous families of residents and those who passed away as a result of the coronavirus. The families claim that the actions of the state in allowing the facility to reopen are blatantly negligent and offensive.
As a result of its actions and the deaths of the 52 residents, Fair Havens Center will be placed on Florida’s state watch list of “troubled” nursing homes. This decision has done nothing to placate the regulators who initially called for the suspension of Fair Havens’ license back in June 2020. The facility has been granted permission to continue its operations, and its license has not been revoked.
Further Negligence Suspected
In addition to its substandard response to the coronavirus outbreak, Fair Havens Center was also fined for its improper treatment of a resident in 2019. The fine, which amounted to $16,000 and was included in the $67,000 penalty levied in October 2020, was issued in response to Fair Havens’ violation of a do not resuscitate order a year earlier. A resident who had a do not resuscitate order was resuscitated against their will by Fair Havens Center, which is now being held accountable for its actions.
Media who reached out to Fair Havens Center for a response to its $67,000 in fines were told to reach out at a later time, as no one was currently available to give a statement.
As of late 2020, Fair Havens Center has reopened to new patients, and they maintain an active license as a long-term care facility. Whether they will be pursued for further patient neglect and abuse, as well as whether their license is in jeopardy in the future, will depend upon the decisions made in future litigation.
Considering a Case?
Our Miami nursing home abuse lawyers can help you achieve justice after a loved one wrongfully dies in a Dade County facility. Call or live chat with us now for a free case consultation: 305-780-5166