In a shocking development, Miami police officers have found human remains in a former Miami Assisted Living Facility. The human bones were found in the yard of the home, located at 15604 NW 37th Ave. in Opa-Locka, Florida. The police officers also removed a body from the house. This home was previously an assisted living facility. It is unclear at this time who hid the human remains at the former Miami-Dade County assisted living facility. Police also have not identified the deceased individual(s).
Which Miami Assisted Living Facility?
The former assisted living facility is located next to the Miami-Opa Locka Executive Airport.
Current property records of Miami-Dade list the owner of the 3 bedroom house as Mayorca General Services LLC. Mayorca General Services LLC is an active Florida limited liability corporation, with Janet (Yanett) Santamaria listed as the owner and registered agent. The property was transferred from Salvador and Blanca Orozco in 2016 after Blanca, along with 9 other ALF owners, were charged with Medicaid fraud. Ms. Orozco was charged for accepting over $46,000 in kickbacks from a pharmacy.
It is currently unclear whether the previous assisted living facility owners have any connection to the homicide investigation. Notably, Salvador and Blanca Orozco were on the founding board of directors with Janet (Yanett) Santamaria for Soby Management Services, Inc. Soby Managment Services, Inc. ran the ALF at 15604 NW 7th Ave. Therefore, according to the current property records, at least one of the original board members of Soby still owned the house. Soby Management’s ability to collect Medicaid was terminated by AHCA in January 2018.
What Other Companies are Owned by The Orozco’s and Ms. Santamaria
- Outside of Mayorca General Services LLC, Janet Santamaria is the President of the Harding Place Condo Association. Prior to Blanca Orozco’s arrest, Ms. Santamaria was involved with a number of Orozco-related corporations. These are now inactive.
- Blanca Orozco no longer appears as an active director of any Florida corporation. She was intimately involved in four currently inactive Florida entities.
- Salavador Orozco, like his wife, pulled out of active directorship after Blanca’s arrest. He was involved in a number of inactive Florida entities, including some with his wife.
Are all Miami Assisted Living Facilities this Bad?
Not all assisted living facilities are bad. While it is very rare for human remains to be found at a facility, it is sadly common to find abuse and neglect at Miami ALFs. It is especially common for preventable injuries to occur at small facilities which are understaffed. At these small ALFs, owners may focus more on making money than providing adequate care. This leads to preventable injuries such as bedsores, falls, broken bones and death. If you believe a loved on suffered at an assisted living facility in Miami, it is important to choose experienced attorneys familiar with the area.
The Miami Elder Abuse Attorneys at Senior Justice Law Firm have decades of experience taking cases in Miami-Dade County, and are available for a free consultation.