Nursing Home Skin Breakdown Complicated by COVID Results in $180,000 for Plaintiff Ben F was a 60-year-old, witty and fun-spirited man who was rushed from his home to the hospital for an emergency bowel surgery. While recovering from the surgical procedure, Ben F was exposed and tested positive for COVID-19. This occurred frequently when hospitals...
Why Did I Get a Letter from TriCare Regarding Third Party Liability for an Injury?
TriCare DD Form 2527 Letters Pertaining to an Illness or Injury Caused by the Negligence of a Third Party TriCare is a healthcare insurer for veterans of the United States Armed Forces. Oftentimes, when a TriCare patient is injured due to a preventable injury caused by a third party, TriCare will mail a letter to...
How Does a Nursing Home Negligence Lawsuit Keep Future Residents Safe and Improve Care?
A lawsuit can be filed against a nursing home for abuse or negligence that led to injuries of a resident. A nursing home negligence lawsuit can help families recover compensation for their loved one’s injuries and deter a senior care facility from allowing the abuse or negligence to continue to happen to other residents. The...
Bed Sore Lawsuit Results in $350,000 Settlement for Plaintiff
Bed Sore Lawsuit Ends in $350,000 Settlement for Elderly Plaintiff The plaintiff, an elderly woman who we will call Mrs. [Name], was admitted to a nursing home for long-term care. During her stay, the nursing home staff failed to adequately care for her, resulting in the development of severe bed sores. The plaintiff, through her...