Accountability and Legal Considerations: Understanding Nursing Home Responsibilities in Case of Harm Introduction Dealing with the loss or harm of a loved one in a nursing home is an emotionally devastating experience. While the focus should primarily be on coping with the situation, questions may arise regarding the legal responsibility of the nursing home in...
How Can I Get Better Care in a Nursing Home?
How to Get Better Care and Attention in a Skilled Nursing Facility Choosing a nursing home for yourself or a loved one can be a challenging decision. Further, not all nursing homes are equal (or even close). The quality of nursing home care varies significantly between facilities. If you want to get better care in...
Prescription Medication that Increases Fall Risk in Nursing Home Patients
The Connection Between Prescription Drugs and Falls in Nursing Home Residents A lot of minor injuries can befall an older individual, especially once they migrate to permanent nursing home living. Most families take these mishaps as just a normal part of getting older and give them very little thought. After all, it’s certainly true that...
How Can I Obtain a Nursing Home Incident Report?
Obtaining a Copy of the Nursing Home Incident Report Long-term care facilities are legally required to create a nursing home incident report following any serious injury or allegation of abuse. State regulations and federal guidelines via CMS, mandate that after a serious event occurs, the facility must conduct an internal investigation. Following the internal investigation,...
Preventing Falls from Bed in a Nursing Home
How Can a Nursing Home Stop a Patient from Rolling out of Bed? Nursing homes have a legal duty to implement fall prevention techniques in fall risk residents. So how can a nursing home stop a patient from rolling out of bed? Sadly, nursing home falls from bed are the most common form of falls...
From Thriving to Dying in Two Months: Wrongful Death Lawsuit at Owen County Nursing Home
Indiana Nursing Home Wrongful Death Lawsuit Claims Lack of Nutrition Results in Preventable Death Kenneth “Butch” Burgin’s story has become increasingly common as 2020 comes to a close and 2021 begins—nursing homes shear their staffing numbers as they scramble to profit from mediocre Medicaid payments, and residents suffer the consequences. Indianapolis news agency WRTV reports...
The Rise of Non-Traditional Nursing Homes and Why They Work
A New Nursing Home Model? Lower Resident Numbers and Better Care Lead to a Better Nursing Home Experience. As the number of older folks reaching retirement age continues to climb, nursing homes across the country are racing to expand, hoping to offer a bed to these aging individuals. What many do not perceive is the...
How do Floor Mats Prevent Nursing Home Fall Fractures?
Is your loved one a fall risk in a nursing home? Wondering what those padded foam cushions are next to their bed? They are floor mats and they are critical to protect your family member if they fall out of the nursing home bed. State Laws and Regulations Require Nursing Homes to Stop Patient Falls The...
Complaining about Nursing Home Care to Management
Is it worth it to complain internally to nursing home management about bad care? Should you complain to the nursing home administrator and director of nursing about negligent treatment? The answer is yes, but there is a time, place and manner in which to raise your nursing home complaints for maximum effectiveness. Our nursing home...
Don’t Sign That Nursing Home Arbitration Agreement!
Nursing Home Arbitration Agreements Waive Your Legal Rights Your parent is discharged from the hospital. The doctors tell you they need rehabilitation. While you never envisioned your Mom being placed in a nursing home, you tell yourself it is only three weeks of rehab. On admission to the facility, you are presented with a stack...