Negligent Observation of Psychiatric Patient is Not Medical Malpractice, Appellate Court Holds

Employer Liability for Employee's Wrongdoing
LifeStream Wrongful Death Lawsuit

A recent ruling in Florida’s 5th District Court of Appeal holds that failing to properly supervise and observe a suicide risk psychiatric resident risk is not medical malpractice. The plaintiff is represented by Senior Justice Law Firm. Allegations in the Publicly Filed Complaint against LifeStream Behavioral Center PLAINTIFF was admitted to DEFENDANT FACILITY on or...

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Overcoming a Motion to Dismiss from a Nursing Home Owner Regarding Understaffing Allegations

Florida Nursing Home Abuse

Successfully Pleading Understaffing, Corporate Misconduct and Surviving a Motion to Dismiss from the Nursing Home Lawyer A common allegation brought by our nursing home abuse attorneys is corporate malfeasance and understaffing facilities. We find that a common cancerous root of nursing home abuse and neglect is an under-budgeted, under-staffed nursing home. As you can imagine,...

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Suing a Nursing Home Owner in Nursing Home Abuse Lawsuit

Motions and Legal Filings
How can I sue a nursing home owner in a lawsuit?

Piercing the Corporate Veil and Naming an Individual Nursing Home Owner in a Liability Lawsuit for Wrongful Death or Injury Many states, including Florida, shelter passive owners of nursing homes from civil liability. This means you cannot sue the nursing home owner unless they were actively negligent in resident care or facility management. You can,...

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